First and foremost I would like to thank. Hashem at this time  for everything, he does, he has helped us till now and will help us allways!!!

For all the people that participate in this blog, thank you, we now know, that this blog made waves, and has shaken them to the core!!!

A letter came in yesterday that has all the markings, that it was an official letter written by New square, even the way he starts off writing that this is not official, is also the way they talk,

The letter is much better then I wished for, it starts off, that new square was built by the Rabbi's Father, and 1 of the major fundations was that they should be only 1 שול without him going in into much detail, why he  wanted it this way?

But the reason is well known, when he was alive there was only a hundred families and he wanted them all to feel as one family, and everybody really felt that way, he made sure of that, now, today we have over 1200 families living in new square and having only one שול is making life miserable, its causing all kinds of problems.

The rabbi always says that he doesn't want to change anything from his father, and this is always his excuse, well he changes, whatever he feels like, you can ask anybody it's no secret, and to top that of, his father didn't own a house on the Hudson, his father didn't ride around in a Cadillac, with official plates, lights, and sirens

In the latter he's also trying to water down all the craziness, that happened not long ago in new square, by claiming, that it is somehow our fault, because when people don't obey, (and what did they do, went to daven outside) what the rabbi says, its only normal that the outcome would be that the youngsters will take things in their own hands, and nobody can have any grievances afterwards, and no I'm not making this up its in the letter, now if this was a Muslim radical fine,  but us Jews have never had any excuse for violence until now,

But it gets a lot worse, this was not only an excuse, after the violence, there was an official decree, by the rabbi to take all measures, the carrot, and the stick, to make sure those people that daven outside to leave new square, or stop, by all means!!!

There was even a משגיח in high school speaking directly to the youngsters, about the unfolding events and he mentioned, clearly, that if a boy gets so angry that he takes measures in his own hands, everybody will understand, can you imagine? This was right before that boy lit up and burnt somebody, and it's on tape,

Their mind is so twisted that they don't see, What's Wrong here, i pray everyday that they  should wake up from there deep sleep, and start, respecting other people,

I will finish, with this story I heard last week, when the rabbi's father was still with us, there was a fellow, who went to the עמוד he said  a different נוסח, the people around the rabbi, asked Him isn't there a קפידא to say it differently, his answer was simple, we also have a קפידא not to hurt anybody!!!!

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